Opening hours:

Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
extra open: Monday 20 May, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m



Photo request

Images of objects from the Drents Museum collection can be requested. Our Collection department manages the visual material of the objects in our collection. If (new) recordings have to be made, the costs for images will be higher and the delivery time longer. Searching for our press photos? Then look in the press releases on our Press page.



When busy it may take some time before you receive a reply from us. So please ensure you request an image in good time, taking into account a delivery time of a few weeks. The speed with which your request is processed depends on the availability of the image material you want. After receiving your information, we will send you a specific cost estimate. If visual material is available, delivery will take place within four weeks of receiving the payment. In the case of new recordings, the delivery time is at least six weeks after receipt of payment.

Prices and conditions

A fee is requested by the Drents Museum for an image request. There are also a number of conditions attached to the use of our visual material. An overview of the costs and conditions can be found here.

Contact photo request

To speed up the processing of your application, we request that you provide the following information in the contact form below:

•    the deadline
•    the title of the work or description of the object
•    artist's name
•    other information about the object: inventory number, material, technique, dating and dimensions
•    file format (jpg or tiff)

For commercial use, the following information must also be stated in your application:

•    intended use (for example for a publication)
•    number of copies
•    VAT number (if available)

Photo Request

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