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Charlotte Schleiffert and Jeroen Kuster

  • 31 May till 24 July 2022
  • Drents Museum

Presentation art from studio DM

The Drents Museum acquired its own artist residence in 2020: Studio DM! Artists like writers, painters, draughtsmen or musicians can apply for a stay in the accommodation. This spring the artist couple Charlotte Schleiffert and Jeroen Kuster are taking up residence in Studio DM. This provides them with the opportunity and space to create something new. Supported by the conviction that you do not need to travel far to be inspired, a stay in Drenthe can be of great value to the artist as well as the region itself. The residency is made possible by a private bequest and Stichting Steunfonds Drents Museum. 

Charlotte Schleiffert (1967, Tilburg) is known for her large drawings, a series of monumental fantasy creatures. For these drawings the artist mixes different impressions: people she encounters, celebrities, advertisements in magazines or newspapers. Similar to a collage she combines the different times, styles, cultures and genders. Theatrical exhibition Tolerance Test was previously on show in this room, where the large drawings engaged in a dialogue amongst each other. In Studio DM Schleiffert worked on large drawings, as well as landscapes and self-portraits. 

Jeroen Kuster (1971, Didam) has a lifelong curiosity for nature. He creates wonderous creatures out of plastic, skulls, paint, Christmas ornaments and whatever else he can find. The original material is no longer recognisable in his artworks. The artists says he “cooks with materials”. Kuster appoints each creation their own Latin name, which he forms out of already existing denominations. He also paints colourful and precise trees and plants. Often he heads out to sketch in the open air.

Here Charlotte Schleiffert and Jeroen Kuster present what they have been working on during the residency. Everything directly from the studio…