Opening hours:

Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


See and do

The Largest Doll’s House in the Netherlands

An exciting exhibit for young and old alike

The Doll’s House takes you back to 18th-century Drenthe. This was a time when wigs were in fashion. There was no electricity. Carrier pigeons took care of communications and good manners were everything. A visit to this house is exciting for young and old alike: a historic discovery of our world as it was 250 years ago. This is an experience you’ll not soon forget. Each room is interesting in its own right, and there’s plenty of fun things to do. These are period rooms for modern times! This presentation was developed with generous support from the BankGiro Loterij and various families from the province of Drenthe.

Bringing dolls to life

The owner of the doll’s house, played by well-known Dutch actress Liz Snoijink, introduces you to her ‘dolls’: the distinguished Van Lier family and their staff. You can choose your favourite family member to take you on a fascinating multimedia tour of the house. Will it be master of the house Johannes Van Lier, his daughter Barbara, their cook Tallegien or one of the other inhabitants? Choose quickly, there’s so much that needs to be done! The rooms need dusting, the silverware needs polishing and the kitchen staff has to prepare a delicious festive dinner, because Governor Willem V is coming to visit. The choice is yours.


Let's have some fun with the Van Lier family and the staff! How? With a sudoku!

Below you will find two different sudoku puzzles. As you can see, a few boxes have already been filled in. It's up to you to fill in the rest of the puzzle. In the sudoku, the inhabitants must be filled in in the following way:

  • in each horizontal row, each resident occurs only once,
  • in each vertical column, each resident occurs only once,
  • in each 'block', each resident appears only once. 

All the portraits can be downloaded here and printed out. You can then stick the images in the right place in the sudoku. Tip: only stick the portraits in place once you are sure that they are in the right place.




All the portraits can be downloaded here and printed out. You can then stick the images in the right place in the sudoku. Tip: only stick the portraits in place once you are sure that they are in the right place.


 Master Johannes van Lier, father of the house


 Johanna van Lier, mother of the house


Barbara van Lier, eldest daughter


 Helperius van Lier, younger son


 Jantien Boerema, cook


Tallechien Jans, housekeeper


 Roelofs Harms, coachman/gardener


Jantien Janssen, kitchen maid


Jan Hendriks, gardener