Opening hours:

Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
extra open: Monday 20 May, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m



The Viva la Frida exhibition consists of two parts

The exhibition consists of two parts: in the introduction Meet Frida you get to know Frida Kahlo on the basis of photos and film. You can see Frida Kahlo’s artworks and her biographical objects in Viva la Frida! in the large exhibition hall.  

Start time 

If you would like to visit Viva la Frida!, you have to reserve a start time. Make sure you are on time: you can enter the museum between your start time and 30 minutes afterwards.


Entrance prices

For the Viva la Frida exhibition! a surcharge will be charged in addition to the normal cost price. Because we work with entry periods for the Viva la Frida! main exhibition, everyone needs a ticket. Even when you do not normally have to buy a ticket, for example because you are a Friend of the Drents Museum, are younger than 13 or have a Museum Card, ICOM card or BankGiro Loterij VIP card.

Corona measures as of 6 November

The Drents Museum follows the corona guidelines of the Dutch government and the Museum Protocol for a safe and responsible museum visit. As of Saturday 6 November, new corona measures will be in force in the Netherlands.